Begin Your Journey
Individual Therapy
Adjustment Disorder
Conflict Resolution
Stress Management
Self Esteem Issues
Workplace Issues
Childhood Trauma
Sexual Difficulties
Grief and Bereavement
Managing Medical Conditions
Family of Origin Issues
Alcohol Use Disorders
Sleep Problems
Workplace Bullying
Career Counselling
Life Issues
Life Coaching
Terminal Illness
Aging Positively
Depression and Isolation
Supporting Retirement Decisions
Personality Disorders
Couples Therapy
Dating Anxiety
Pre-Marriage Counselling
Couple Distress and Conflict
First Child Family Strategies
Poor Communication
Couple Intimacy and Sexual Difficulties
Child Birth Preparation
Relationship Breakdown
Separation and Children
Recurring arguments that are never resolved
Feelings of dissatisfaction and unhappiness
Difficulties with Commitment
Partner with Anxiety and Depression Issues
Same Sex Relationships Issues
Effects of IVF on the Couples’ Relationship
Abandonment of joint activities- living parallel lives
Pre-occupation with interests and activities outside the relationship
Increased fatigue and reduced ability to meet responsibilities
Re-Partnering after Separation
Family Therapy
Parenting Children and Adolescents
Enhancing Communication Skills with your Children
Step Parenting
Blended Families
Learning Collaborative Parenting Skills
Setting Boundaries with your Children
Sleep Issues
Our Sleep Psychologist has 25 years of experience in treatment of the following sleep disorders:
Sleep Deprivation during Depression
Sleep Disturbance due to Worry and Anxiety
Sleep Problems during Menopause
Chronic Insomnia Associated with Circadian Rhythm Disorders